Olenna Tyrell Character Profile

Olenna Tyrell is a matriarchal character of the Tyrell house in Game of Thrones. Olenna’s character appears in season 3, 4 and season 5 of Game of Thrones and is played by Diana Rigg. Olenna plays a tremendous role in season 5 of Game of Thrones.

Olenna is Mace Tyrell’s mother and is deemed as the leader of the Tyrell house. The house Tyrell is however led by Lord Mace Tyrell and is considered among the indomitable houses of Westeros. Olenna Tyrell, also known as The Queen of Thorns, is the widow of Luthor Tyrell and grandmother to Loras Tyrell and Margaery Tyrell. Olenna is an old woman with wits and well acquainted with the law. Olenna represented the Tyrell House in a lawsuit against them. Lady Olenna is not your average conservative grandmother, she believes that women have to take up a stance in politics. Olenna also embraces the fact that her grandson Loras is a homosexual.

Back in the day, Olenna’s fiance was a Targaryen. Olenna disapproved of the Targaryens and their actions. She took matters into her own hands to marry into the Tyrell clan instead. Luthor Tyrell was meant to marry Olenna’s sister Viola but ended up with Olenna. On the eve to Luthor proposing to Viola, Olenna sneaked to Luthor’s room and made it so that Luthor was not able to propose to Viola the next morning.

Olenna cares about the status of her family being maintained that she insists that royalty should be maintained through the wedding of her granddaughter Margaery. Olenna even offers to help Tyrion Lannister cater for half the wedding costs. Olenna’s plan to have Loras marry Sansa backfire when the Lannisters learn of it. The Lannisters are keen to foster a relationship with the Tyrells.

Olenna is likely responsible for the poisoning of Joffrey during his wedding to her granddaughter, Margaery. Tyrion, however, is framed and arrested for Joffrey’s death. Olenna’s character is loving and would do anything to protect her own. Knowing that Joffrey is a violent man, as evidenced by the pain he caused Sansa, Olenna plotted his poisoning to save Margaery from becoming a victim of his violence. Olenna learnt about Joffrey’s violence by questioning Sansa.

Olenna is then able to convince the Lannisters to wed Tommen, Joffrey’s younger brother to Margaery. This allows Margaery to keep her role as queen. Tommen is a much sweeter and more malleable boy and is, therefore, more valuable to Olenna and the Tyrells.

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